
Red borscht

Red borscht


Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onion, cabbage, beets, bell peppers, dill, eggs, parsley, minced pork meatball, tomato paste, sugar, 9% vinegar, salt, pepper

Allergens are underlined.

Cooking method: the mixture (potatoes, cabbage, herbs, and meatballs) is put in 2.5 litres of boiling water and is cooked for 20 minutes, then fried carrots are added, and the mixture is cooked for another 15 minutes, then fried beet is added, and the mixture is cooked for another 10 minutes. It takes a total of 45–50 minutes for borscht to cook. Let it sit for some time before eating. Enjoy your meal!

Nutritional value per 100 g of the product: 

proteins 3.8 g; fats 2.9 g; carbohydrates 4.3 g

Energy (caloric content) per 100 g of the product: 221.3 kJ (57.7 kcal).

Storage conditions:

90 days at a temperature not exceeding -18°C.

In the summer, carrying in thermal packs is recommended.

Refreezing is not allowed.

